Senior Sessions at the Beach
I don't know about you, but during the winter months in Pennsylvania, I feel myself longing for the beach- or any warm sunshine for that matter.
This year, I spent a few days at a photography conference called Click Away on Amelia Island in Florida. It was the perfect setting for learning, networking, and growing while still being able to relax and recharge.
One of the sessions I attended was a senior shoot out in the water. led by Lissa Chandler . The weather was gorgeous- but the water was FREEZING! I couldn't feel my feet by the end, and I give the models all the props still being able to look good while in the water! Despite the cold water, the shoot was fun!
My favorite thing about a senior session on the beach is all of the movement lends itself to in the resulting images. To me, senior sessions should be fluid and full of life. The movement of the water and the gentle breeze creates this effortlessly.
I know we live in Pennsylvania, but if you LOVE the beach, having a your senior session there IS possible! Shoot me a message to chat about planning your beach session!