2020 Senior Model Team!

Lehigh Valley senior photographer | Lehigh Valley senior pictures | Senior model team 2020 | Class of 2019 | Class of 2020 senior pictures | Stephanie Vasiliadis Photography

Each year, we invite an exclusive team of upcoming seniors to represent our studio as part of our SENIOR MODEL TEAM.

**You do not have to have experience as a model to be on the team! We are looking for girls who have an amazing personality, involved in your school and/or community, are fun to be around, are up for new experiences, and are comfortable being in front of a camera!

So what is all of the fuss about? 

As a member, you have the opportunity to be a part of something special. Above all else the SVP Senior Model Squad is a sisterhood! Each year it gets bigger and better. Joining a team with others who are representing schools throughout the state, be a part of exclusive photo shoots, complete with professional hair and makeup, and have opportunities to travel for exclusive shoots! 

Get ready for new friendships, outrageous fun and unforgettable experiences. This year we will be adding a community service project- and it will be great for your college applications! 

Let's go over the details....

Exclusice SVP Senior Model Squad members receive very special perks, such as:

  • No session fees!

  • Discounted Make-Up artist fees.

  • Trips and activities for team members only.

  • Exclusive, fun, creative and professionally styled photo shoots.

  • Opportunities for your images to be published nationally!

  • Only SVP team members earn cash when your friends book their senior sessions with us!

Trust us when we say you want to get your application in early to be a part of this year's team! 

What is your responsibility as a team member?

There are no session fees for each time we shoot. However, there is a $99 team member fee, if you are invited to join the team. This fee is used to cover things such as admission fees to awesome locations that we may shoot at, wardrobe pieces, parties, and goodies throughout the year.

You will be asked to ONLY represent Stephanie Vasiliadis Photography as a member of the team and cannot represent any other studio in this manner. This means that you cannot have pictures taken by any other photographer for any reason until after June 1st, 2020 (this does not include the mandatory school yearbook photos- we understand your school may require you to have them taken elsewhere).  If you happen to be a signed model with an agency please make a point to contact us and we can certainly take this on consideration case by case.

In addition, you will be asked to spread the love by posting on your social media accounts, sharing your experiences and images with all of your friends. 

We ask that you are supportive of your other team members and Stephanie Vasiliadis Photography.

Please keep in mind that we receive many applications each year. Although we would like to accept everyone, it is just not possible. You will  receive an invitation to join the team if you are selected.